Believer, Wife, Mother, Counselor, Writer, Speaker, Adventurer, Friend

Professional Background

Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor Missouri Licensed Professional Counselor Florida Licensed Mental Health Counselor Certified Telehealth Professional Qualified Supervisor National Board of Counselors National Certified Counselor Certified Mental Health Counselor Education BS in Bible -Clarks Summit University BS in Counseling - Clarks Summit U. MS in Counseling -Clarks Summit U. Training for Adoption Competency |
Collegiate & Graduate Education
· Understanding and Treating Addictions· Behavior Addictions· Substance Addictions· Research Methods· Evaluating Research· Psychology of education and Learning· Abnormal Psychology· Crisis Counseling· Human Development· General Psychology· Family Legacies· Soul Care· A whole Church model for ministering to thehurting· Counseling Interventions for Women |

Course Instruction & Design
Speaking Engagements -Workshops- Conferences - Talks

Finding Personal FreedomMental HealthWays we deal with Emotional painInternal Voices we can hearAnatomy of a StrongholdHearing the voice of GodGod’s plans for our lives (Luke 4)Understanding AddictionsRelational NeedsForgivenessThe power of wordsReligious Trauma BoundariesSpiritual AbusePsychology and Spirituality |
Private Practice Start Up
Non Profit Start Up
Support Group Formation
Lay Counselor Programs
Faith Affirming Counseling
Mental Health in the Workplace
Mental Health in the Church
Faith Affirming Culture

My Story

Every story has a beginning and mine is no different. It was the summer of 1997 that I woke up and I found out who I was. I understood for the first time in my life that I was made for a purpose and for a future. From that moment on God became my lifeline, my life source, and the director of my steps.
My story of Freedom starts when my eyes were open but it continues today. I believe in trail blazing and leading the way. Through my experience in relationships and spiritual community I have grown in my understanding of spiritual abuse, religious trauma, and spiritual pain. I remain faith affirming in a culture that faces these realities as well as active discrimination. My professional training in counseling, my study of the Bible, coupled with the radical journey God has sent me on is not simple or painless. I've found third world living in America's backyard and around the world. I have left all that I've known for causes I believed to be true. I've grappled with hard spiritual realities in a world full of pain... but the theme that has remained the same is; I'm not done yet. So let's get going together!